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LaKitty Adventures

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Update 4/13/01

LOVE MILITIA Burns in Style

Meet the LOVE MILITIA of Burningman 2000.  How did the camp name come about? Don't know but Mr. a.k.a. "X^" just said it was Love Milita.  So Love Militia it was! 

BM2000 Love Militia

The highlight of any BURN is of course the BURN.  Around 9:00 pm flares signaled BRC inhabitants to walk out on the playa toward the Man. We asembled our forces and carried our treasured crate across the playa. Don't they make portable light palets any more?  Well we worked as a team and moved the crate to within a 1/4 mile of the Man.  It provided a nice sturdy viewing platform for the Pre-Burn and Burn Activities. After about an hour into the BURN we lifted the crate once more and headed into the flames.  We were a trojan horse mini-moses parting the sea of humanity, " Something to BURN, move aside" the chant resounded. Our chant growing fainter as we approached the BURNINGMAN and the other participants reveling in the glow.  Into the flames we went.  The crate was our offering for our stay in BRC.  The area about the BURN was alive. A giant mosh pit of bodies, offerings and thoughts hurled about.  A primordal cleansing of the mind, body and soul.  Truely a highlight of the BURNINGMAN 2000 for BMLM members.

We came. We Participated. We Burn On!

Hi we're the Love Militia,
     Give Me a Hug Baby!

Fire Lizard